Sunday, November 4, 2012

As Election Day approaches, campaigns will typically release some secret weapon-style dirt they've got on the opposing candidate. Usually something vaguely scandal-ish or hinting at impropriety. Over the last week the GOP has launched its final attack on President Obama, and it looks like this:

A retired mayor and the guy who mismanaged the Katrina response - is this really the best they could do?

The Romney campaign has used it's dying breath to trash the President's Hurricane Sandy response in the lamest way possible, by trotting out two sad Ghosts of Disasters Past. Remember last campaign season, when right before the election the McCain camp tried to get everybody riled up about a crazy racist preacher? No one cared, and it turned out the Obamas aren't very religious folk anyway.

This is like that, but stupider. This time around, they've reanimated the bloated corpse of Michael "Brownie" Brown to explain to us all why Obama should have waited until the middle of the storm to hold a press conference addressing disaster preparedness. You can't make this shit up.

The disgraced former FEMA head talked about it on his radio show in Denver, suspicious of why the President would instruct citizens to buy batteries and prepare to evacuate at 1:00 p.m. when the storm didn't land until dinnertime: "Here's my concern. People in the Northeast are already beginning to blow it off ... Bloomberg has shut down the subway ... (ordered) evacuations ... I don't object ... they should be doing all of that. But in the meantime, various news commentators ... (and others) in New York are shrugging their shoulders, saying, 'What's this all about?' It's premature (when) the brunt of the storm won't happen until later this afternoon."

So, the Prez should have waited five or six hours and maybe spoken to the press in the middle of a hurricane? Really, dude?

I know we live in the age of short attention spans and shorter memories, but is our collective ADHD really so bad that we can't process evacuation instructions six hours before a fucking hurricane? I realize Brownie doesn't know what a hurricane is. He is from Oklahoma, and now lives in Colorado. When he hears "hurricane", he sees this:

Those of us who live near the sea know that a press conference during an actual hurricane would look more like this:

After the giant clusterfuck that was the Katrina response, it's pretty rich that this guy feels he has anything to say at all.

But the main clown the Republicans have pushed out of their bottomless Volkswagen is this guy:

This is a windsock with veneers who a year ago had this to say about Romney: 

“I ran against him in ‘07 and ‘08 [and\] I’ve never seen a guy change his position so many times, so fast, on a  


Now he's changed his own position on Romney. At a fundraiser in Ohio last month, Giuliani defended 

Mitten's 47% remarks thus:

“If I were Governor Romney, I would say that I am glad I had the courage to raise an issue nobody else would raise — that too high a percentage of Americans are not paying taxes and that it’s dangerous when we start to get to half of the country not paying taxes,” he said “And what I want to do is put those people to work so they can pay taxes and I think Gov. Romney should not be embarrassed about his remark.”

Charming. Now he is telling anyone who will listen that Obama's fucking up the Sandy response worse than Katrina, thereby contradicting every other person on the planet who has anything to say on this subject. Also, Obama should resign because Benghazi.

This guy was not Secretary of State. He is not a recognized expert on foreign affairs or policy. He has never lived anywhere near the Gulf Coast. Last I checked, he was mayor of one city (a big one, but still just one city) and he retired from politics eleven years ago. So he probably knows as much about Katrina and Benghazi as anyone who watches CNN. I'll even say I know more about Katrina than him, because I sat through it in Gulfport, Mississippi.

He can't even apply makeup properly, unless this is Oompa Loompa cosplay. But I do like the wig.

Are we supposed to listen to Rudy Giuliani just because he was admired after 9/11? I hate that these guys think Americans are so stupid and lazy that we won't notice they have no credentials to be speaking on these subjects. It's just mean.

Okay, that was pretty negative. I can't wait until the election is over, when I can (hopefully) go back to being annoyed by things more banal than the threat of losing basic human rights.

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